Welcome to POCEMA Limited

 Your Trusted Partner in Pollution Control and Environmental Management


Pollution Control and Environmental Management Limited (POCEMA LIMITED)

At POCEMA Limited, we are dedicated to providing integrated environmental and engineering services to a wide range of industries, including the Oil and Gas sector, Commercial Enterprises, and Public Agencies. With a focus on sustainability and innovation, we strive to deliver high-quality solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of our clients.

Our Services

POCEMA LIMITED takes pride in offering a diverse range of integrated environmental and engineering services tailored to the specific needs of our clients.

Laboratory Services
We offer a comprehensive range of laboratory testing services to ensure compliance...
HSE Training and Certification
We provide high-quality health, safety, and environment (HSE) training programs
Environmental Consultancy
Our experienced consultants provides expert guidance on environmental compliance
Waste Management
POCEMA LIMITED is committed to responsible waste management practices. Our integrated waste management services help clients minimize their environmental impact while adhering to local and international regulations.
Drilling and Cementing Operations Training
Specializing in drilling and cementing operations, we offer comprehensive training programs to enhance the skills of professionals in the field. Our courses cover the latest technologies and best practices to ensure safe and efficient operations.

Why we stand out

POCEMA LIMITED stands out in the environmental and engineering services industry for several compelling reasons

State-of-the-Art Facilities

We utilize advanced technology and equipment to deliver the most accurate and reliable results.

International Standards

As the African Representative of NREP, we adhere to international standards in environmental and HSE practices.

Quality Focus

We are committed to exceeding your expectations and delivering the highest quality services.

African Leader in HSE Training

As the African representative of NREP, USA, we are at the forefront of HSE training and certification.

Get In Touch


15 Azunda Wobo Close, Rumuodomanya, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Port Harcourt, Nigeria

Phone No.

0703 168 4332



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